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Why we do community events

Yesterday I mentioned a couple of community events.  That got me thinking about the events that Team Church has conducted in the past.

I’ll start by saying that I am extremely proud of Team Church events beginning with the Easter Egg Hunt that launched the church in 2009.  By the way, Olivia Hann, our worship leader is hosting an egg hunt for children on Saturday, April 7th from 2:30pm to 4pm.    Bring a basket or bag.  

2011 Fun Run Participants at Kershaw's Spring-a-Thon ...0bviously caught in the middle of racing past me at high speeds 😉

I think it is helpful to express why we do what we do when it comes to community events.

  • First, we try to pick things where we can serve the community.  Movie nights, Spring-a-thon Fun Run, Blood Pressure Check-ups, volunteer at Youth Serve, serving hot chocolate at the Christmas parade, back to school shoe give-a-ways, etc.  They provide a source of entertaining or needed activity.  By the way, we believe that giving a family something fun to do together for a night in Kershaw–like a movie–serves a great need, just like a pair of new shoes serves a need.
  • Secondly, we try to offer an opportunity for the community to also serve in some way.  With every project, there should be a way that you can involve others.  For instance, when you come to see a free movie, ask people to donate school supplies.  I love giving people opportunities to feel blessed when they give back.  No joke.  People feel great when they contribute and I simply try to offer them a way to engage.
  • Third, we avoid making it self-promoting.  I can’t deny that it is my nature to want to brag on my church and also promote it, but everyone smells what a church is cooking when a “give-a-way” becomes a bargaining chip for your contact info.  It is not wrong, and I waiver with doing it in small degrees, but basically I try to avoid it at events.  We believe it is refreshing to give away or serve others without any awkward strings attached.

Finally, I believe that Team Church has a reputation for being quick to serve others, including serving other churches.  But I don’t think that it has come because of the events we’ve done.

I believe it comes more from the people of Team Church being the kind and serving people that they are in their everyday and weekend activities outside of church.  Many of the folks at Team Church volunteer their time, help with other organizations and are typically active people in the community.  The church gets some credit simply because these people are so awesome…but really the church is the people, right?

Keep thinking about some community events that would be meaningful, and make some suggestions in the comments.  I am always open to your collaboration!

Three Directions for Activated Lives of Faith

ActivateSunday was the final day of the Activate Series…three messages that help a Christian amp up their life of faith.  All put together, this series outlines three foundational parts to a Christians’ walk…worship, small group discipleship, and authentic lives lived for others.  At Team Church, we offer inspiring worship on Sundays, Home Teams during the week, and opportunities to reach and impact our community.


  • First there was “UP,” a message about activating our faith in terms of our worship.  I told the story of the major change of perception I received from the time I ascended the mountainside waterfall, to the moment I approached the ledge to leap into the water below.  The point that I made was that everything would suddenly change if and when we see God as He truly is.  And just like Isaiah immediately worshipped God when He glimpsed just the hem of God’s robe filling the Temple, our lives of worship would be instantly activated if God showed up in our lives.


  • The second message talked about activating “IN.”  This was a challenge for us to stop living isolated lives and lean in on a small group of growing disciples.  I truly believe that we aren’t the Christians God designed us to be if we aren’t engaged with church… and by church I mean a close group of believers.  I told the story of how a close-knit group of believers that met in homes saved my life over the last few years.  In addition to activating a life of upward inspiration with others on Sundays, we too must activate inward with others.  At Team Church we have Home Teams that will begin in just a few weeks.


  • And Sunday’s message finished off the series by suggesting that when we re-focus our lives both UP and IN that the transformation on the inside should ultimately be expressed OUT.  Children “act out” sometimes and we think it’s not appropriate, but on the other hand, it’s the most natural thing for a person to act out or behave according to his or her nature.  A kid’s got to move and be energetic because that is what’s on the inside…a rambunctious, growing, curious, can’t-be-quiet being.  If that’s true, then why don’t we see more Christians acting out what’s on their inside…a powerful, transformed, loving, serving, giving and sharing spiritual being that looks more and more like the image of Christ?  In specific, I asked everyone to help out others as one way to act out their activated faith.

First Serve

Sunday’s service is about just that…service. One of the four shared responsibilities of Team Church is to serve, and this weekend is a great time to find a place to serve in the church. “First Serve” Sunday is a special event sort of like a job fair for volunteers. Near the conclusion of the morning service, everyone will get up from their seats and mill around the ministry display tables.  Ministry leaders will be at each table to help each one figure out how he or she can get plugged in.

But what if…

  • I don’t know what I want to do?
  • I don’t know what I’ll be good at?
  • I’m not sure I want to make a long-term commitment?

No problem. Don’t worry that you have to know for sure where you want to serve now…that’s why we call it “First Serve.” Just sign up for one or more ministry areas, and give it a try. There is no “long-term obligations” as the commercials say. We just want you to first serve in a few areas, and then you can commit to an area later to which you feel most called.

An overview of the ministry areas are available online anytime.  Browse the listing of volunteer opportunities at www.teamchurch.com/volunteer, and be sure to select “Lancaster Co.” from the “change campus” drop down menu.