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Spring-a-thon May 12-13… find out how to serve

***update:  there is a lot going on here so please choose where you’d like to serve.  In other words, you don’t have to do it all.  Thanks***  Go to our facebook page to let us know when you’d like to help:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Church-Lancaster-County/130550805890

Spring-a-thon is coming May 12-13.  It has become a joke that it always rains on Spring-a-thon, but there is a reason we’re always talking about rain…it’s because we’re always there.  You can count on Team Church pitching in and serving the town.    This is really what we love to do most in town…just serve the people we live around!  You can serve in at least three areas.

Fun Run 3k

Again this year we are leading the Fun Run 3 k.  Please come and enjoy yourself with this event.  Run or help direct the flow, pass out water, medals, and encouragement.

Check out the route starting at the First Citzens’ Parking lot here:  http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/88932743/

2011 Fun Run Participants

Bouncy House

Also we will be operating a bouncy castle and obstacle course (courtesy of Covenant Baptist in Lancaster :).  We could use plenty of help with putting up and down the equipment and supervising children.

Pro Tennis Exhibition

Team Church has also been asked to help out on Sunday evening at the Tennis event.  This will be such a neat experience!  We need some volunteers who can prepare brownies and have them placed in a snack baggie for the event.  This could be done ahead of time and we will need a total of 150.

Also, for the Sunday event we need folks to welcome and assist with crowd flow and parking and inflating helium balloons.  Get times and more info from the Tennis Exhibition Flyer.

Spring-a-thon Fun Run

Spring-a-thon is coming up soon and that means that Team Church will be conducting a Fun Run.

This is a 3k run that we have been asked to lead the last couple of years.  Dr. Howell, our local dentist has always supported the race with medals, trophies and t-shirts.   And the AJ Football team has always brought a team to run.

Kershaw FUN RUN for the Spring-A-Thon May 12th @ 8:00 am

Here’s an opportunity for us to provide a kind service for our community.  Let me know if you want to help with the event.

Why we do community events

Yesterday I mentioned a couple of community events.  That got me thinking about the events that Team Church has conducted in the past.

I’ll start by saying that I am extremely proud of Team Church events beginning with the Easter Egg Hunt that launched the church in 2009.  By the way, Olivia Hann, our worship leader is hosting an egg hunt for children on Saturday, April 7th from 2:30pm to 4pm.    Bring a basket or bag.  

2011 Fun Run Participants at Kershaw's Spring-a-Thon ...0bviously caught in the middle of racing past me at high speeds 😉

I think it is helpful to express why we do what we do when it comes to community events.

  • First, we try to pick things where we can serve the community.  Movie nights, Spring-a-thon Fun Run, Blood Pressure Check-ups, volunteer at Youth Serve, serving hot chocolate at the Christmas parade, back to school shoe give-a-ways, etc.  They provide a source of entertaining or needed activity.  By the way, we believe that giving a family something fun to do together for a night in Kershaw–like a movie–serves a great need, just like a pair of new shoes serves a need.
  • Secondly, we try to offer an opportunity for the community to also serve in some way.  With every project, there should be a way that you can involve others.  For instance, when you come to see a free movie, ask people to donate school supplies.  I love giving people opportunities to feel blessed when they give back.  No joke.  People feel great when they contribute and I simply try to offer them a way to engage.
  • Third, we avoid making it self-promoting.  I can’t deny that it is my nature to want to brag on my church and also promote it, but everyone smells what a church is cooking when a “give-a-way” becomes a bargaining chip for your contact info.  It is not wrong, and I waiver with doing it in small degrees, but basically I try to avoid it at events.  We believe it is refreshing to give away or serve others without any awkward strings attached.

Finally, I believe that Team Church has a reputation for being quick to serve others, including serving other churches.  But I don’t think that it has come because of the events we’ve done.

I believe it comes more from the people of Team Church being the kind and serving people that they are in their everyday and weekend activities outside of church.  Many of the folks at Team Church volunteer their time, help with other organizations and are typically active people in the community.  The church gets some credit simply because these people are so awesome…but really the church is the people, right?

Keep thinking about some community events that would be meaningful, and make some suggestions in the comments.  I am always open to your collaboration!