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How many churches have you joined?

How many churches have you joined?

  1. My first church was Ashwood Church of the Nazarene.  I think of great music and powerful preaching (read shouting).  I think of volleyball and the children’s church that my grandmother led.
  2. We then moved to Wayside Baptist probably when I was a young teen.  The whole family was baptized when we joined.  This church makes me think of puppets and counting ceiling tiles (oh brother!).
  3. My later teens were spent at Bishopville Church of the Nazarene.  These were seminal moments in my spiritual life.  I knew God was real and I loved Him.  These were also the years that I sang in a family band, and the time I met the girl who would be my wife.

I’ve joined three more since becoming an adult, but I’m amazed at how these churches have molded me.  Several pastors came and went.  But still there was a spirit in each church that influenced and challenged me.

Now I wonder how does my current church shape my spiritual life?  Foremost, I believe that the spirit of Team Church leads with grace.  It challenges me to stick it out with others with the love of Christ.

In a couple of weeks, I feel the Lord leading me to speak more on grace, and I hope that it challenges and shapes everyone at Team Church to show more grace to others.  By the way, Team Church will conduct a long overdue Direct Connect…which is our way of doing membership/covenants.

What are the churches that have greatly influenced you and why?

If you missed Sunday’s message, “It Ain’t Over Yet,” you can stream it online or download it at our sermon page.
www:teamchurch.org/sermons.html#John.  You can scroll down for all of the sermons from this John series.

Or just hit the play button below.